NC 数控滚轮送料机 NC ROLL FEEDER 特性及构造 Features and construction : 1、高精度的送料 :针对高科技来临,以电脑闭路式回授系统控制,使精度确保在±0.03MM以内 High-precision feeding:Aiming at the arrival of hi-tech industry it is controlled by computer closed-circuit feedback that the precision can maintain within±0.3MM 2、阶段式送料机能 :可输入20组不同的送料长度,每组提供999次冲压次数,满足特殊制品的加工生产(选配) Phase-style feeding function:it can input 20 groups of different feeding length, each group provides punching for 999 times to satisfy the processing and production of special products(option) 3、个性化的手动模式 :可输入适合的3段手动速度,让使用者更容易操作,精确地使材料送进模具而定位 Manual model : it can input 3 phases manual speed,which can let used operate more easily and feed materials more accuracy. 4、高效率的放松装置:配合冲床之凸轮讯号以及简单之料厚调整,即可快速的设定放松角度 High-effciency release device:it can set up release angle quickly,only match Cam ** of and adjusted feed thickness can done. 5、送料长度的设定:在控制面板上,直接输入送料长度,即可达到所需的送距 Feeding length setting: input feed length on the controller panel directly. 6、送料机构:滚轮采用中空式,重量轻,回转惯性小,表面硬度HR60°镀硬铬,耐磨损,寿命长 Feeding unit:the roll adopts middle-hollow style,being light and with low intertia for electropiate.the surface hardness HRC60°and hard chorme plated. 售前:提供技术服务咨询、客户服务中心、帮您轻松了解产品知识 售中:分布全国枢纽的物流中心、销售服务中心等、技术支持中心,即时处理订货、销售、产品应用等相关环节,以较高效率满足客户需求 售后: 顾客投诉,2小时内响应;产品质量两年保修,如有质量问题可以提供退换服务